Kaifeng City

Pilot project of river regulation and dredging in Heigang Estuary of Kaifeng Urban-Rural Integration Demonstration Zone - Tender announcement

Release time: 2024-03-11 16:07:38 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

Pilot project of river regulation and dredging in Heigang Estuary of Kaifeng urban-rural integration Demonstration Zone

Tender announcement

一、 Tender conditions

The pilot project of river regulation and dredging in Heigang Estuary of Kaifeng Urban-Rural Integration Demonstration Zone has been approved by Kaifeng Area Management Committee of China (Henan) Pilot Free Trade Zone. Project code:2301-410252-04-01-557439,The tender is the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Kaifeng Urban and rural Integration Demonstration Zone, and the funds have been implemented。The project has met the bidding conditions, and now the project is open to bidding。

二、 Project overview and bidding scope

1Project name: Heigang Estuary river regulation and dredging test project of Kaifeng Urban-Rural Integration Demonstration Zone

2, Project number:QYGK-2024-011

3Construction location: Kaifeng urban and rural integration demonstration zone

4Project overview: The dredging scope is the river section between Yudian section and Heigang Kou section,Dredging length1113m,Dredging width100m240m,The dredging depth control is determined by the depth elevation of the dredging area(The bottom elevation of the dredged area shall not exceed the depth elevation)。Dredged area12.89Ten thousand square meters,Amount of dredging works76.40Million cubic meters。Dredging test period12个月,Construction time according to Huayuankou section flow is not greater than2600Cubic meter per second control。

5Total project investment: approx2409.46万元

6Division of bid sections: This project is divided into two bid sections

The first bid: Kaifeng urban and rural integration demonstration zone Heigang estuary river regulation and dredging test project construction general contract

Section 2: Supervision of river regulation and dredging test project of Heigang Estuary in Kaifeng Urban-Rural Integration Demonstration Zone

7, planned duration

Section 1:12个月

Section 2: with the construction period and defect liability period       

8Scope of bidding

Section 1: All contents of drawings, bill of quantities and bidding documents

Section II: Supervision services during the construction phase and the liability period for engineering defects

9Quality requirements: qualified, in line with the current national acceptance standards。

3. Bidder qualification requirements

1Section 1

1The bidder shall have independent legal personality and provide valid business license。

2It has three levels of general contracting for the construction of water conservancy and hydropower projects issued by the competent administrative department()Or above qualifications, and has a valid safety production license, and has the corresponding performance capacity in personnel, equipment, funds, etc.;

3The project manager shall be qualified as a registered construction engineer of Grade II or above in hydraulic and hydropower engineering,Have effective safety production assessment certificate,And have not been engaged in other projects under construction (provide the proposed project manager without construction commitment);The project manager to be assigned must be an employee of the unit,Provide labor contracts and social security certificates that have been paid on time in the past three months (insufficient new employees) 3Months from the date of appointment)。

4The bidder's financial status is good, no financial takeover, bankruptcy state。提供202020212022The annual audited financial audit report shall be provided by the newly established bidder based on the newly established years. If the number of years is insufficient, the financial statements shall be provided according to the actual situation。

5Bidders who are listed on the "Credit China" website as "untrustworthy persons subject to enforcement, major tax violations and untrustworthy subjects" shall be refused to participate in the project bid。【 Inquiry channel: "Credit China" website (http://www.creditchina.gov.cn)】;

Bidders with bad behavior records in the national construction market supervision public service platform are prohibited from participating in the project bidding. They should provide online query screenshots (query objects include legal persons and project managers).。

6The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units that have a holding and management relationship, and may not participate in the bidding of the same tender section or the bidding of the same tender project that has not divided the tender section。

2Section 2

1The bidder shall have independent legal personality and valid business license。

2The bidder shall have the Grade C or above qualification of water conservancy and hydropower project supervision issued by the construction administrative department or the comprehensive qualification of project supervision;The project director to be assigned shall have the qualification of registered supervision engineer of hydraulic engineering,Intermediate or above professional titles in water conservancy related fields,And is the employee of the unit,And have labor contracts, social security certificates that have been paid on time for nearly three months (insufficient new employees) 3 Months from the date of appointment)。

3The bidder's financial status is good, no financial takeover, bankruptcy state。提供202020212022The annual audited financial audit report shall be provided by the newly established bidder based on the newly established years. If the number of years is insufficient, the financial statements shall be provided according to the actual situation。

4Bidders who are listed as the persons subject to enforcement for dishonesty and the subjects of major tax violations and dishonesty shall be refused to participate in the bidding of this project。【 Inquiry channel: "Credit China" website (http://www.creditchina.gov.cn /) 】 Bidders with bad behavior records in the national construction market supervision public service platform are prohibited from participating in the project bidding, bidders need to provide online query screenshots (all the above query contents of the query object: legal person, project director)。

5The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units that have a holding and management relationship, and may not participate in the bidding of the same tender section or the bidding of the same tender project that has not divided the tender section。

4. Acquisition of bidding documents

1Time: Available from the date of announcement until the deadline for submission of tender documents。

2The bidder shall register as a member of Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Center website and obtain CA 密钥, CAKey login Kaifeng public resources trading network member system, download electronic bidding documents as required。If the bidder fails to download the electronic bidding document as required, its bid will be rejected。

3After obtaining the bidding documents, bidders please go to the website of Kaifeng Public resources Trading Center to log in the political mining, engineering business systemCAKey log in to the member system, download the latest version of the bid document making tool installation package in "Component Download", and use the latest version of the installed bid document making tool to make electronic bid documents;

4Please pay attention to the website and company of Kaifeng Public Resources Trading CenterCAKey push message;Bidders can open the Kaifeng Public resources trading Center website home page "open process" to inquire bidding documents。


5. Bidding deadline time and place

1、时间:202404020930Minutes (Beijing time)。

2Place: Electronic bidding documents must be encrypted and uploaded in the member system of Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Center website before the bidding deadline;

Vi. Time and place of bid opening

1、时间:202404020930Minutes (Beijing time)。

2Location: Kaifeng public resources trading information network

3This project adopts the "remote do not meet" bid opening method,Bidders need not go to the site to submit the original information, do not need to go to the Kaifeng public resources trading Center site to participate in the bid opening meeting;The bidder shall be prior to the bid opening time,Log in to the remote bid opening hall,Participate in online bid opening activities on time and decrypt bid documents, answer questions and clarify, etc. (The default duration of system decryption is40Minutes, miss decryption elder will be considered as automatic abandonment of this tender)。

7. Media for announcement

This announcement is published at the same time in the "China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform" and "Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Information Network"。

8. Contact information

1Tenderer information

Tenderer: Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Kaifeng Urban-Rural Integration Demonstration Zone

Add: Xiguan North Street, Kaifeng City, Henan Province187

Contact: Li Jianjian

Contact information:0371-23892198

2Bidding agency information

Bidding agency: Henan Qiyuan bidding Agency Co., LTD

Address: Zheshang Building, Fifth Street, Kaifeng CityA11    

Contact: Wu Fangfang

Contact information:0371-22709983      

3, supervisory department information

Supervisory department:China (Henan) Pilot Free Trade Zone Kaifeng area Management Committee

Contact information:0371-22940856

Download attachment:3.11 Heigang Kou bidding notice

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